Tuesday, September 26, 2017

fancy words for academic papers

For vocabulary list,  please see the link below:

Monday, September 18, 2017

IR related methods

LSI, PLSI, TransE,TransR Trans 系列:http://www.sohu.com/a/116866488_465975

Thursday, September 7, 2017

linear algebra lecture 21 09/07/2017


Ax = lamda*x
what are x and lamda for prpojection matrix
any x in the plane, Px = x ; lamda = 1
any x perpendicular to the plane, Px = 0x, lamda = 0

How to solve Ax = lamda * x

(A-lamda*I)*x = 0
A-lamda*I 一定要singular,不然没解

如果矩阵+3I, eigenvector don't change, eigen value +3