Saturday, April 14, 2018

latex tips

\advance\leftskip-1cm  move figure to the left

1. 直接打开主文件,会自动识别所有相关的文件的。
2. overleaf上面是bib 文件,本地的是bbl文件,overleaf 的生成bbl 文件需要点击log 按钮,拉到最下面,会有一个下载bbl 文件的地方。
3. citation undefined warning 解决方法:I know that this question has been answered here Undefined citation warnings, which states that the user should compile the code with the following process:
  1. latex
  2. bibtex
  3. latex
  4. latex

对应的命令行为 pdflatex ijcai19; bibtex ijcai19